A Free Royal Caribbean Cruise for a Front Line Worker
Our Gang Travel will award a FREE stateroom to a very deserving frontline worker through the Our Gang Group Gives Back Program in the summer of 2021.
Nominations will be accepted until August 1, 2020. A winner will be announced in early - to - mid September.
The Our Gang Group Gives Back Program vows Our Gang Travel to help in our community, Each year, the Gives Back program will select a charity or cause to support with a portion of proceeds from that years's sales. For the year of 2020, Our Gang Group will award a stateroom for a Frontline worker to recognize a very deserving person working on the front lines of the current pandemic.
A frontline worker: any employee who provides an essential service or key public service and/or those who have been required to work through the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Must be within 50 miles of any Maplewood, New Jersey location.